Dumpling for Vegans

You can name this as Nepalese Mo-Mo's or Chinese Dumplings, either ways its gonna taste divine.
Pros are: low in fat, very filling and great appetizer.
Cons: patience is required in preparing the shape of Dumplings(sort of a girly purse)


To make Dumplings:
All purpose flour - 1 cup (makes up to 15-20)
Oil- 1tsp
Salt - pinch
Water- 1/2 cup

For Filling:
Onion - 1/2 cup
Mixed vegetables - 1/2 cup
Scrambled tofu - 3tbsp
Cumin powder - 1tbsp
Paprika- 1tsp
Garam masala - 1tsp
Salt - 1tsp
Pepper powder- 1tbsp
Oil- 2 tbsp

Mix well the flour, salt and warm water to dough consistency, keep it covered for 1/2 hour.

Fry all the Filling ingredients in oil without adding water, mash the 50% of the vegetable and keep aside.

Divide the dough in to small portions and Roll out to flat sheet. use very less flour if it sticks.

Place a spoon full of filling in the center, leaving enough space over the corners to cover neatly.

Gently run the pastry brush with water over the corners.

Bring all the Corners together and form a garlic shape ( looks like a purse)

Fill a medium size pot with few inches of water and bring to boil, grease a metal steamer rack and place all the dumplings in single layer, without touching each other. place this metal steamer on the pot and cover it, let it cook for 10-15 mins. Serve Hot with ketchup


  1. I am coming thru window to steal your Vegan Dumpling ;)

  2. ha ha ha.. you are welcome Appt!

  3. Oooh...I like this! I've still got your recipe for methi thepla in mind but will probably have to give up on adding the fenugreek leaves -- I simply cannot find it here!

    These dumplings, on the other hand, shouldn't cause me any trouble in finding ingredients. I have only one question: what is the red sauce in the top photo?

  4. Rowena, I'm glad you like the Dumplings, I just served it with ketchup :)
    For methi thepla, you can substitute few spinach leaves for Fenugreek.
    Let me know how it turned out for ya :)

  5. very nice will give it a try...u can even brush the corners with melted butter to give the crispy finish.

  6. Oh the vegan dumplings look so tempting! Feel like grabbing one!


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